With Corengin you are back in control of your text, media, actions and structures!
Millions of people use it, then it must be safe! Wrong! Don't let your site become a prime target for generic hackers!
Integrated Image Editor (with effects!), Newsletter Composer, Form Editor and Gallery Maker. Specifically geared towards the user, no training required.
Sure, why not: Corengin integrates with Dropbox, Google Apps, EventBrite, MailChimp and many more...
Ongelofelijk hoe snel GIGAmedium onze website klaar had. Petje af!
Ce n'est pas toujours qu'on rencontre des développeurs si engagés
I wish I had a team like GIGAmedium in my staff!
Geniaal die kerels bij GIGAmedium: inventief en punctueel
Weten wat de klant wil, dat is hun sterk punt!